Get answers about neurofeedback
What is Neurofeedback Anyway?
I get asked that question several times a week .Hi, I'm Dr. Randy Cale, a licensed psychologist in New York and Florida, and having a neurofeedback practice, I get lots of inquiries because parents, individuals, they're reading about the effectiveness of neurofeedback and blown away by some of what they're reading.... keep reading »
How Does Neurofeedback Work?
It’s another one of those questions I get asked several times a week. So, first understanding that neurofeedback is a form of biofeedback providing a signal a reward signal to the brain when brain waves move in a healthier more functional direction.... keep reading »
How Long Before I See Results?
Almost everyone wants to know how quickly will I receive some results? Well, the answer varies considerably. It is rare however, that you get to 15 or 20 sessions without beginning to feel a result.... keep reading »
Why is Neurofeedback So Effective?
It's the question I get, when parents or individuals have done the research. They see neurofeedback is now rated, there's a level four or five intervention for many mental health disorders and many of the struggles... keep reading »
Why Neurofeedback Is Effective with So Many Psychological Disorders?
Neurofeedback works to help our brains function better so we can feel healthier and perform better. Research and clinical experience have proven that. Neurofeedback is effective in helping ADD, ADHD, anxiety... keep reading »
Home Training Neurofeedback
I could not have imagined 10 years ago, being able to offer some technology, a methodology that would transform your brain, in a way that your whole life could change in a matter of months... keep reading »
What Conditions Are Responsive to Neurofeedback?
I get asked that one a lot as well. You can imagine that, if there's a way that we can change fundamentally, the structure of the brain, the biochemistry of the brain, the way the brain is organized and communicating, but any of the conditions that are created by struggles in the brain... keep reading »
Will My Insurance Cover Neurofeedback?
Well, it's an unfortunate answer because the answer is typically no, your insurance will not cover neurofeedback or biofeedback. The reason is that many insurances do not understand neurofeedback... keep reading »
How Neurofeedback Can Help Your Family?
If your child was diagnosed with ADHD before COVID or even during COVID, and now you're having to see right up front in your face, what that looks like to try to manage it's likely you may be ready to... keep reading »
Does Neurofeedback Improve Neuroplasticity?
The answer of course, is yes ,it does improve neuroplasticity, in fact that's when neurofeedback is all about. Most brains that come into our practice, have been sort of shut down right, their lockdown might be a better word... keep reading »
Can Neurofeedback Improve Mental Performance?
So, with the combination of neurofeedback and heart rate variability training, we train the body and the brain and performance improves greatly... keep reading »
Mendi vs MyndLift vs Neurofeedback
Actually, the answer is very simple and straightforward, 40-45 years of research, over that time, the results from neurofeedback have consistently improved the efficacy rates get better and better such that now neurofeedback is a level four or five intervention... keep reading »
Is Neurofeedback Going to Change Personality?
One of those questions, not the most frequent question I get asked, but it's a fairly frequent question and understandable because most of us are in love with our children's personality most of the time... keep reading »
What is PEMF or Pulsed Electo-Magnetic Field Theory?
This is a great question. In recent years, I was introduced to a technology that was developed in Europe and Asia. It's a technology that utilizes the pulsing of electromagnetic waves... keep reading »
Will Neurofeedback Work for Me in Albany NY?
Neurofeedback works through a process of rewarding brain waves as they naturally change your altar. Over time, we see that almost everyone responds to neurofeedback... keep reading »
Anxiety, COVID, and Neurofeedback
Anxiety can be present when there's no immediate event considered to be stressful, and the internal discomfort eventually leads to sleep loss, fatigue, and other physical or mental symptoms... keep reading »
Neurofeedback for Anxiety
And so it's important that to understand that that answer involves multiple variables neurofeedback being one of the answers that can provide a remarkable change because with neurofeedback we actually change the underlying structure of how the brain is functioning... keep reading »
Sleep and Neurofeedback
There is no easy answer and you probably know that. Everything you tried may work for a while give you some relief but nothing seems to make a real change. There is a reason for that... keep reading »
ADHD Kids Driving Crazy
More importantly, however, and more realistically, you're probably seeking help. So, it's important to know that neurofeedback is one of the tools that brings about transformation in the underlying structure of the brain... keep reading »