A meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies of medication treatment for ADD/ADHD concluded that...
On the MCMI prior to treatment, both groups of alcoholics showed significantly higher scores than non-alcoholics on scales measuring factors...
Experimentally treated alcoholics with depressive syndrome showed sharp reductions in self-assessed depression...
One hundred children, ages 6-19, who were diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), either inattentive or combined types, participated in a study examining the effects of Ritalin, EEG biofeedback, and parenting style on the primary symptoms of ADHD...
Clinical trials have suggested that neurofeedback may be efficient in treating attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)...
This article first appeared in the May-June 2004 issue of the Autism Asperger’s Digest, a 52-page bimonthly magazine on autism spectrum disorders published by Future Horizons, Inc...
This study examined whether an EEG biofeedback protocol could improve outcome measures for a mixed substance abusing inpatient population...
The drug rehabilitation program that participated in the study is called “Door Way,” a faith-based, homeless and drug treatment facility in Houston...
A recent article in the Chicago Tribune recounted similar impressive clinical data for patients with a host of cognitive disorders using neurofeedback therapy. Aerobics for the brain, neurofeedback is a mental exercise designed to optimize brain function by altering dysfunctional brainwave patterns...
Nothing is more frustrating than running out of options to get better, whether dealing with a child or adult. It’s worth investigating methods of changing how the brain functions, so that we can thrive and enjoy our lives as fully as possible…