If you have been reading this column for a while, you will recognize this ‘Cale Truism’ that I have addressed from many angles:
Your superpower as a parent resides in your mastery of how you use your attention. What
End ‘False Hope’ & Build Improved Habits
Every New Year offers us a chance to take stock of our home and our efforts at building good habits in our children. In particular, it’s good to carefully determine if ‘false hope’
Most parents are seeking help with changing a specific behavior or set of behavior problems. This is understandable, as the manifestation of problems inside the brain shows up as outside problems. Angry thoughts bring angry behavior. Depression brings detached, grumpy,
The Renegade Parent Is Prepared for Success This Year
As book bags are selected and schedules are filling up, many parents approach the school year with a combination of relief (that the summer is over) and growing trepidation about the
Consider Becoming a Renegade Parent
We were recently enjoying dinner in a Saratoga restaurant and noticed a table with four adolescent girls, their parents, and a grandmother. The girls were laughing, smiling, engaging with each other as well as with