Keep It Simple This Holiday Season

The busy Holiday week is upon us, and we pass each other in a flurry of movement from one task to another. In our minds, the business of thinking of everything on the to-do list can be overwhelming.
Yet, there is one simple thing we could do each day that would transform how we experience the Holiday Season.
The Power of Intentions
There are countless variations of input throughout the day. It would be impossible to predict everything that can happen to you, what people will do or say, or even what events can get in the way of your plans. We all get this.
Yet, research clearly suggests that one simple strategy can offset many of life’s challenges: Intention.
An intention is simple and contains no complexities. However, the power of this simple strategy rests in taking the intention seriously. A firm, robust intention can set your choice…regardless of what life sends our way.
To ensure an intention has strength, you must devote a bit of time to that intention. For example, you write it down five times, then you repeat it to yourself a few times. Perhaps, if not too strange, you even say it out loud.
Then, to ensure the solidity of the intention, imagine at least a dozen ways you could execute the intention that day. You imagine meeting others where the intention would apply. You imagine various situations where you bring the intention to life. The imagined execution of the intention, REGARDLESS of what life brings to you, is the secret.
In this way, you remain in control of what you do this Holiday Season. You can decide how you will be, even if others are not there.
The Power of Kindness and Gratitude When Expressed
As we think of the values most often expressed this time of the year, most seek more gratitude and love. With loved ones and strangers, many of us strive to nurture those higher states that uplift others and bring us joy.
Unfortunately, I often hear how the negativity of the world around us derails this. So, how do we ignore such ‘downers’ and effectively bring more of what we want into the world we care about?
One simple solution: We set, and then honor, the intention to be grateful and kind!
This is remarkably powerful if executed repeatedly throughout the days ahead. Each morning, write this down and express it out loud. Next, start to imagine the ways that you can express gratitude and kindness to others.
See yourself initiating smiles with strangers. Envision greeting co-workers with more enthusiasm. Imagine walking away from negative folks by sending a warm thought to their heart. Give yourself lots of gratitude for doing your best to spread the Holiday cheer.
Okay, that sounds weird. And yes, this will take you about five minutes, but it will be a life-transforming investment.
Then, throughout the day, keep this intention in mind. Every time you execute the intention, you will notice and feel it. This reinforces your efforts and compounds the effect.
The Secret Juice: Regardless…
Most of us are great at being grateful and kind when others treat us sweetly. However, if we get treated poorly or with a bit of attitude or disrespect, it becomes easy to drop all kindness like a hot potato.
When we allow ourselves to change our attitudes in response to others, we give others control of our emotional lives. In essence, we give them control of the emotional buttons that drive our lives.
Why not turn this around this Holiday Season with a simple choice? Make your intention to be grateful and kind…regardless. This means you choose to hold a state of gratitude and kindness, even in the face of others, not being mean-spirited or greedy. This puts you in control of your emotional life and is how you show up each moment of life.
To state this is easy. To do it…that’s where the magic hides. But remember that you have a tool for this: your imagination! Each morning, imagine being grateful and kind…regardless. Thus, you can imagine various situations where your friends, co-workers, children, or even your partner is grumpy, rude, or negative…and yet you execute your intention. You mentally rehearse, bringing this intention into the moment regardless of where others are emotionally.
The Best Holiday Season Ever
Choose your state this Holiday Season, and consider living in gratitude and kindness…regardless. Then, notice the power you have to attract more and more the experiences that soften the heart and bring joy to your soul. Have a wonderful week!