I must admit that my to-do list inevitably grows more extensive than the hours of my day. I see that a meaningful, active life perhaps pulls for that. I also see others who share incomplete lists at the end of
Many years ago, I heard the saying: You have a choice: You can live life studying the roots…or enjoy the fruits. But you can’t do both.”
Of course, it’s never a complete, simple dichotomy. It’s just a pointer to options
As the New Year is upon us, many of us reflect upon our lives, our successes, our satisfaction, where we have been and likely where we are going. If life is filled with enormous levels of satisfaction and happiness, then
Okay, let’s face it. Most children get too much stuff these days when Santa arrives. Too strong, you think? Perhaps, but we can know one thing for sure:
The more stuff they get…, the less they seem to appreciate it.
It’s Santa’s Job to Know What’s Best for You
Okay, let’s face it. Most children get too much stuff this day and time. Well, can I really say it’s too much? Maybe not…but we can know one thing for certain: