The Myths of Summertime Parenting
‘I’m bored’ is a useless thing to say. I mean, you live in a great, big, vast worked that you’ve seen zero percent of. Even the inside of your mind is endless; it goes on
It seems unbelievable. Some children constantly ask the same questions repeatedly, day in and day out. Trying to be patient, you answer. Then, you answer again. And then again.
It can be annoying, irritating, and downright frustrating! So perhaps you
The end of this school year is upon us, and the pleasures of summer await. Yet, summer fun is often thwarted with constant decision making, kid’s complaints, power struggles, tantrums, and battles. Such challenges often turn potential pleasure into sources
What is Fear-Based Parenting?
Worries and anxieties about your child and their future all stem from fear. These fears lead to repetitive parenting actions that undermine your child’s general sense of well-being. We often have elaborate excuses and justifications for
Previously, I introduced three daily commitments I have resolved to practice this year. I am sharing them as the ‘daily three.’ Today I expand upon these commitments and the role they play in flourishing.
The Daily Three
1. Forgiveness of
We often begin a new year by focusing upon the struggles, upsets, and pain sources we want to eliminate in the future. In a sense, this is eminently understandable. Yet, if we’re going to flourish and experience our best life,
I received an email this week from a reader asking a seemingly simple question, “How do I change my tendency to react with anger… to those I love?” This mom went on to describe her efforts to keep calm in
Now More Than Ever: Making It Easy… Makes It Hard?
Let’s assume this: Every choice comes with a consequence. When the consequences of any given choices are obvious and immediate, everyone seems to gets it. However, when the consequences are
We Are Making It Harder Because…
It seems that every day, we find ourselves lamenting these tough times. And yes, no doubt, it has been and will continue to be challenging times. Given that fact, what is the best approach
Our brains are designed to learn, and in doing so, we have the capacity to automate almost any behavior. (And by automating, I mean that we do not need to think about it.) As your child is growing up, they