As parents, it is universally understood that we take action with the best of intentions. This is not in doubt. However, those good intentions often lead to parenting approaches that fail to achieve their intended results.
Why is that? It’s
Many of us grew up with pets, and enjoy the relationship and feelings that a pet can bring to the home. Now, as adults, we may have brought a pet into the family, or perhaps are considering a family pet.
As many have acknowledged already, anxiety is on the rise because COVID has affected most of our lives in significant ways. At this moment, both active cases and death rates have escalated. This fact alone serves to escalate our fears
Teaching children how to unleash the full potential of their imagination. Here's how...
Five obstacles to enjoying this moment and then the next and the next…
A recent article in the Chicago Tribune recounted similar impressive clinical data for patients with a host of cognitive disorders using neurofeedback therapy. Aerobics for the brain, neurofeedback is a mental exercise designed to optimize brain function by altering dysfunctional brainwave patterns...
Two criteria to live by in these times and adding clarity about whether a thought or opinion is worth another one of another thoughts. What to do instead...
Part two of a series on how our thinking can either help us or get in the way of happiness...
Part two of three mistakes that will increase your child’s anxiety...