“No… Mom, I Won’t Do It!”
If there is a universal ‘button pusher’ for parents, it happens when you ask your son or daughter to do something simple, and they say, ‘No. I won’t do it.’ The blood begins to
In today’s modern world, teenagers are often on the move. A portion of teenagers play multiple sports, and are involved in numerous organizations, and maintain an active social life. Some volunteer and others take summer classes or go camping.
Often, when things begin to unravel in our lives, our tendency is to worry and fret. If we do that long enough, this process turns into depressive thoughts and life gets even heavier. Our strategies tend to be ruminative and
Just this week, I encountered a delightful couple working hard to raise their two children with limits. They presented me with a beautifully typed-out list of rules for their home. Yet, as both parents acknowledged, these rules were the source
Three reasons why kids are irresponsible and entitled...
Ending endless negotiating and arguing with kids: one simple insight....
Calm down, Tone down, and finally Get down...
Four steps to having kids truly fight for the happiness and success...
Misery over homework, capability, and emotion. How parents teach kids to fight for their misery...
Teaching children how to unleash the full potential of their imagination. Here's how...